Pink Star Polyps

Pink Star Polyps are a popular soft coral choice for both beginner and seasoned reef keepers. These stunning polyps add a pop of color to any aquarium and can thrive in a variety of tank conditions. In this article, we'll delve deeper into the care, lighting, water flow, and placement of pink star polyps, so you can create a happy home for these beautiful creatures.

Pain Points

Soft corals like pink star polyps can be challenging to care for, especially for beginners. They require specific water parameters, and their feeding habits can be tricky to manage. Additionally, they can grow quickly and take over your tank if not managed correctly.

Target of Pink Star Polyps

The target of pink star polyps is to add color and movement to your aquarium. These corals are known for their vibrant pink color and their ability to sway in the water, creating a mesmerizing effect. Pink star polyps are also an excellent choice for a beginner-friendly soft coral and can be a great addition to any reef tank.

Main Points

Now that we've covered the basics of pink star polyps let's delve deeper into their care requirements. Pink star polyps require moderate to low lighting, and moderate water flow, so they can filter feed. They prefer stable water parameters, and a calcium level of 400-450 ppm, a temperature range of 72F-78F, and an alkalinity level of 8-12 dK. Additionally, pink star polyps require consistent feeding with small pieces of fresh or frozen meaty foods, like brine shrimp or mysis shrimp.

Personal Experience

When I first added pink star polyps to my reef tank, I was blown away by their beauty. They quickly became a focal point of my aquarium and were easy to care for. I found that they preferred a spot in my tank with moderate lighting and water flow. However, I did have to be diligent about managing their growth and making sure they didn't overrun other coral in my tank.

Pink Center Star Polyps


When it comes to placing pink star polyps in your tank, you should put them in an area with moderate lighting and water flow. They can do well on rocks, and they prefer to grow on higher spots that have more light. It's essential to keep an eye on their growth because they can spread quickly and overtake other coral.

Pink Star Polyps Soft Coral Tank Raised Soft Coral - AquaCorals

Care Requirements

If you want to keep pink star polyps, you'll need to provide them with consistent care. They require moderate lighting, moderate water flow, and stable water parameters. Additionally, they need to be fed small, meaty foods regularly, and their growth should be managed to prevent them from overtaking your tank.

Pink Star Polyps Coral Frags - Buy Online!

Water Parameters

As mentioned earlier, pink star polyps require stable water parameters to thrive. They prefer a temperature range of 72F-78F, an alkalinity level of 8-12 dK, and a calcium level of 400-450 ppm. Additionally, the tank's pH level should be between 8.1 and 8.4.

Star Polyps - Reef Aquarium

Personal Experience

One thing I've noticed is that pink star polyps can be sensitive to changes in water quality. Whenever I perform a water change or adjust the alkalinity level, I keep an eye on them to see how they react. If they seem agitated or don't open up as fully, I know I need to make an adjustment to prevent any issues.

Pink Star Polyps: Care, Lighting, Water Flow and Placement - Reef

Question and Answer

Q: Can pink star polyps be kept with other coral species?
A: Yes, they can be kept with other coral species, but you want to space them out to prevent overcrowding and overgrowth.

Q: How often should I feed my pink star polyps?
A: Pink star polyps should be fed small meaty foods at least once a day.

Q: What lighting is best for pink star polyps?
A: Pink star polyps do well in moderate to low lighting conditions.

Q: How can I prevent pink star polyps from overgrowing in my tank?
A: You can manage the growth of pink star polyps by cutting back any excess growth and keeping an eye on the area they're growing in.


Pink star polyps are a beautiful addition to any reef tank, with their vibrant pink color and mesmerizing movement. Proper care is essential, and providing them with moderate lighting, consistent feeding, and stable water parameters will ensure their health and longevity in your aquarium. With some diligence and attention to detail, you can create a happy home for these stunning soft corals.


Star Polyps - Reef Aquarium

Star Polyps - Reef Aquarium
Photo Credit by: / polyps star aquarium

Pink Star Polyps Soft Coral Tank Raised Soft Coral - AquaCorals

Pink Star Polyps Soft Coral Tank Raised Soft Coral - AquaCorals
Photo Credit by: / polyps corals tank

Pink Star Polyps Coral Frags - Buy Online!

Pink Star Polyps Coral Frags - Buy Online!
Photo Credit by: / polyps p160 thecoralfarm

Pink Center Star Polyps

Pink Center Star Polyps
Photo Credit by: / star pink polyps center

Pink Star Polyps: Care, Lighting, Water Flow And Placement - Reef

Pink Star Polyps: Care, Lighting, Water Flow and Placement - Reef
Photo Credit by: / polyps polyp