Mokelembembe Bichir

Mokelembembe bichir is a unique fish species with a fascinating history. This African native has attracted the attention of hobbyists and scientists alike, and for good reason. This post will take a closer look at the mokelembembe bichir, its characteristics, and what makes it so special.

The Challenges of Keeping Mokelembembe Bichir

While mokelembembe bichir are captivating to watch, they can be difficult to keep in captivity. One of the main challenges is providing a large enough tank for their long bodies to swim in. They also require pristine water conditions and a varied diet that includes both live and frozen foods. Another issue is their size. While some species of bichir stay relatively small, mokelembembe can grow to over three feet long! These obstacles make mokelembembe bichir a challenge for even seasoned fishkeepers.

What is Mokelembembe Bichir?

Mokelembembe bichir, scientifically known as Polypterus mokelembembe, is a freshwater fish native to the Congo River in Africa. It is a member of the Polypteridae family, which includes other bichir species. Mokelembembe bichir is distinguished from other bichir by its elongated dorsal spine and unique coloration. It is a carnivorous fish that feeds on small fish, insects, and crustaceans.

Main Points About Mokelembembe Bichir

Overall, mokelembembe bichir are fascinating fish that require specific care to thrive in captivity. Their unique physical characteristics and behavior make them a sought-after species for many aquarium hobbyists. However, they can be a challenging fish to keep due to their large size, dietary and water quality requirements.

My Experience with Mokelembembe Bichir

One of my personal experiences with mokelembembe bichir involved setting up a large tank specifically for a juvenile fish that I had acquired. I spent months researching the species to ensure that the tank setup would meet all of its needs. While challenging, it was definitely worth it to see this unique fish thriving in its new home.

A baby mokelembembe bichir on an aquarium plant.

Mokelembembe Bichir Care Tips

When caring for mokelembembe bichir, it's essential to provide them with a large enough tank that allows for plenty of swimming space. They require clean water with little to no nitrates, so regular water changes are necessary. In terms of food, a varied diet that includes live and frozen options is ideal. They are carnivorous and thrive on a diet high in protein. Tank mates should be chosen carefully, as bichir can be aggressive towards smaller fish.

Mokelembembe Bichir Behavior

Mokelembembe bichir are fascinating to observe due to their unique physical characteristics and behavior. They are known for their ability to move across wet ground, allowing them to survive in times of drought. They also have the ability to breathe air, which allows them to survive in low-oxygen environments.

How to Breed Mokelembembe Bichir

Breeding mokelembembe bichir in captivity is a challenge, but it is possible. Ideally, a large tank with plenty of hiding places and clean water should be set up for the breeding pair. Males will build a bubble nest, and the female will lay her eggs in it. The male will guard the nest until the eggs hatch.

Question and Answer

Q: Can mokelembembe bichir be kept with other fish species?

A: While mokelembembe bichir can be kept with other fish, it's important to choose tank mates carefully. Bichir can be aggressive towards smaller fish and may view them as prey. Larger, robust fish are a better choice for tank mates.

Q: What size tank is necessary for mokelembembe bichir?

A: To keep a single mokelembembe bichir, a tank size of at least 250 gallons is recommended. For multiple fish, a larger tank is necessary.

Q: Do mokelembembe bichir require a specific water temperature?

A: Mokelembembe bichir prefer warm, tropical water that is between 75 and 82 degrees Fahrenheit.

Q: What does mokelembembe mean?

A: Mokelembembe is a word from the Lingala language that means "one who stops the flow of rivers". It is also the name of an African cryptid that is said to inhabit the Congo River basin.


Mokelembembe bichir are a unique and captivating fish species that require specific care to thrive in captivity. Their elongated dorsal spine, ability to breathe air, and behavior make them a popular choice for aquarium hobbyists who are up for the challenge of caring for them. While not for everyone, mokelembembe bichir are a fascinating addition to any aquarium that can provide for their specific needs.


Polypterus Mokelembembe - Aquarium Glaser GmbH

Polypterus mokelembembe - Aquarium Glaser GmbH
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My New Polypterus Mokelembembe Along With My Bichir Collection - YouTube

my new Polypterus Mokelembembe along with my bichir collection - YouTube
Photo Credit by: / bichir polypterus

Polypterus Mokelembembe - Aquarium Glaser GmbH

Polypterus mokelembembe - Aquarium Glaser GmbH
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Polypterus Mokelembembe - Aquarium Glaser GmbH

Polypterus mokelembembe - Aquarium Glaser GmbH
Photo Credit by: / polypterus september fish 2010 aquariumglaser

Guinean Bichir - Polypterus Ansorgii - Tropical Fish Site

Guinean Bichir - Polypterus Ansorgii - Tropical Fish Site
Photo Credit by: / bichir guinean polypterus fish